
Invited lectures, selected seminar contributions and posters will cover new developments in the study of nuclear phenomena: from low lying shell model states to collective excitations at extreme spins and temperatures, from light to superheavy nuclei, from exotic proton drip-line nuclei to very neutron rich nuclear systems. Latest ideas and advances in nuclear theory will be the topic of a comprehensive session. New experimental methods and apparatus developed and used at stable and radioactive ion beam facilities will be presented. We will discuss the role of today’s nuclear structure research in the understanding of astrophysical processes and the origin of elements.

The scientific program of the Conference will be composed of topical sessions led by  conveners. Additional time will be given for  reports about latest achievements in the broad field of the nuclear research.  Each session will include a few invited talks (duration of 20 to 30 minutes) and selected contributed seminars (duration of 15 minutes). Contributions for seminars and posters will be chosen among submitted abstracts by a selection panel composed of the conveners.


Topical Sessions and Conveners:

Interdisciplinary Applications on Nuclear Physics, Nicolas Alamanos (CEA, Saclay)

Collective Modes in Nuclei, Adam Maj (IFJ PAN, Kraków)

Forefront Topics in Nuclear Theory, Witold Nazarewicz (MSU, East Lansing)

New Instrumentation and Techniques in Nuclear Spectroscopy, Johan Nyberg (Univ. Uppsala)

Nuclear Rotation and  High Spins, John Sharpey-Schafer, (UWC, Cape Town)

New Facilities for Nuclear Physics Research, Sydney Gales (IPNO, Orsay)

Heavy nuclei – production mechanism and properties, Krystyna Siwek-Wilczyńska (Univ. Warsaw)

Nuclear Isomerism, Phil Walker (Univ. Surrey)



Invited speakers (preliminary list):

Dieter Ackermann (GANIL Caen)
Gurgen Adamian (JINR Dubna)
Faical Azaiez (IThemba LABS)
Sonia Bacca (JGU Mainz)
Angela Bracco (INFN and Univ. Milan)
Jeff Carroll (ARL Maryland)
Partha Chowdhury (UMass Lowell)
Michał Ciemała (IFJ PAN, Kraków)
Gianluca Colo (INFN and Univ. Milan)
Alan Cresswell (STFC Daresbury)
Balaram Dey (Saha Inst. of Nucl. Phys. Kolkata)
Jerzy Dudek (IPHC Strasbourg)
Andreas Ekstrom (Chalmers)
Andres Gadea (INFN and Univ. Valencia)
Magda Górska (GSI Darmstadt)
Ewa Gudowska-Nowak (UJ Krakow)
Muhsin Harakeh (KVI Groningen)
David Hinde (ANU Canberra)
Karl Johnston (ISOLDE CERN)
David Joss (University of Liverpool)
Alexander Karpov (JINR Dubna)
Attila Krasznahorkay (ATOMKI Debrecen)
Gregory Lane (ANU Canberra)
Dean Lee (Michigan State University)
Chiara La Tessa (Univ. Trento)
Silvia Leoni (INFN and University of Milan)
Sylvie Leray (CEA Saclay)
Marek Lewitowicz (GANIL Caen)
Augusto Macchiavelli (LBNL Berkeley)
Nicolae Marginean (IFIN-HH Bucarest)
Peter von Neumann-Cosel (TU Darmstadt)
Katsuhisa Nishio (JAEA Tokai)
Andreas Oberstedt (ELI-NP Bucarest)
Jorge Piekarewicz (Florida State University)
Ingemar Ragnarsson (Lund University)
Hideyuki Sakai (RIKEN Tokio)
Domenico Santonocito (LNS Catania)
Bastian Schütrumpf (GSI Darmstadt)
Boris Yurievich Sharkov (JINR Dubna)
Sunchan Jeong (IBS Daejeon)
Calin Ur (ELI-NP Bucarest)
Lyabo Usman (Univ. Witwatersrand Johannesburg)
Juha Uusitalo (Univ. Jyvaskyla)
Michal Warda (UMCS Lublin)
Hiroshi Watanabe (RIKEN Tokio)

Special lectures

The conference will open with two keynote talks presented by Gianluca Colo (INFN and University of Milan) for Challenges in Nuclear Theory and Marek Lewitowicz (GANIL) for Experimental Nuclear Studies. The  concluding lecture by  Ewa Gudowska-Nowak from the Jagiellonian University will  bring closer the  visionary and great Polish  physicist Marian Smoluchowski and his contribution to the modern science.


Poster Session

Posters (B1 format) will be divided into 3 categories: E-experiment, I-Instrumentation, T-theory. Posters can be displayed during the whole conference. At  the dedicated Poster Session authors are expected to present and discuss their work. Best papers can be published in the conference proceedings. Winners of the poster competition will be awarded  a special cash prize founded by NuPPEC. To create a friendly and informal atmosphere during the Poster Session, we will serve snacks and refreshments.


Social events

A welcome reception and a conference banquet will take place on the first and the last day of the conference, respectively.

We plan a half-a-day excursion including sightseeing of medieval knight’s castles in the nearby Pieniny Mountains.  Participants will also have an extraordinary occasion to listen to the sacral music concert performed on church organs and minimoog by Józef Skrzek – the famous polish multi-instrumentalist, singer and composer, the leader of the legendary Polish progressive rock band SBB since 1974  (here is the Conference Concert Leaflet).  Finally, an evening barbeque in the Zakopane style regional inn will be accompanied by presentation of the highlanders folklore.

Participants are warmly invited to take part in easy hikes in the Tatra Mountains National Park organized in the afternoons and lead by certified mountain guides.

The  bars and cafeterias in the Conference House will be available for the conference attendees in  afternoons till late evenings. The participants may also use the other facilities offered by the hotel as:  swimming pool, bowling, gym,  etc.

Conference Poster


Updated: 19th May 2023